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Fig. 3 | JA Clinical Reports

Fig. 3

From: Bispectral Index™ variation during living donor liver transplantation in a child with hepatic encephalopathy: a case report

Fig. 3

ad Electroencephalogram recorded by the BIS monitor at each phase of liver transplantation. EEG1-BIS and EEG2-BIS were obtained from between the middle of the forehead and above the left eyebrow, and between the middle of the forehead and the left pre-auricular area, respectively. a The BIS value was 15 with high voltage and slow waves (0.5–1 Hz) in the dissection-anhepatic phase. b The BIS value was 24 with high voltage and slow waves (0.5–1 Hz) in the reperfusion phase. c The BIS value was 38 with moderate amplitude and slow waves (2–3 Hz) in the neo-hepatic phase. d The BIS value was 55 with moderate amplitude and slow waves (2–4 Hz) at the time of wound closure

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