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Table 2 Intra-operative characteristics

From: Lactate level during cardiopulmonary bypass as a predictor of postoperative outcomes in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery



CPB duration (min)

198 [167–232]

Aortic cross-clamping duration (min)

133 [112–161]

Nadir hematocrit on CPB (%)

24.1 [20.5–27.8]

Nadir temperature on CPB (°C)

34.0 [33.0–34.4]

Mean CPB pressure (mmHg)

55.0 [49.7–60.5]

Ratio of <CPB pressure 60 mmHg (%)

65.7 [40.0–89.9]

Ratio of <CPB pressure 50 mmHg (%)

26.0 [9.2–47.6]

Preoperative MAP—mean CPB pressure

32.0 [12.7–51.3]

Mean CPB flow (L/min)

3.77 [3.48–4.13]

Mean CPB flow index (L/min/m2)

2.49 [2.41–2.55]

Vasopressors during CPB (%)

23 (31.9)

Transfusions during CPB with RBCs (%)

26 (36.1)

Transfusions during CPB with FFPs (%)

20 (27.8)

Lactate level at CPB-0 h (mmol/L)

0.8 [0.6–1.0]

Lactate level at CPB-1 h (mmol/L)

1.1 [0.8–1.4]

Lactate level at CPB-2 h (mmol/L)

1.3 [1.0–1.7]

  1. Data were median [25% quartile–75% quartile] or n (%), ratio of <CPB pressure **mmHg (%): (duration of lower than **mmHg during CPB/total CPB time) × 100
  2. CPB cardiopulmonary bypass, MAP mean arterial pressure, CPB-#h # h after CPB started